

Introduction of

YUVA(Youth united for vikas and awareness)


Youth united for vikas and awareness (YUVA) is INDIA'S purely Youth Oriented Organization which was started with a vision to sever INDIA by team of few young energetic citizens of INDIA. YUVA is working to serve humanity, development of youth and promotion of country in 1997 it was registered under Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance, 1997, Youth united for vikas and awareness (YUVA) mostly concentrate and work on the bylaws and constitution of organization which is specifically based Aims and objectives of TRUST DEED Saksons Institute For Child Education Research & Development Trust( SICERDT), as our slogan is “Serve Humanity, Develop Youth, Promote Country” one can have a look on our projects on our website and introduction of organization is enclose in email as well.

Aims and Objectives

1. To Welfare youth and Human being

2. To promote role of youngsters in development of country

3. To learn how to participate in democracy

4. To provide solutions in Education Industry for the Youth and Human being

5. To provide awareness in youth how to use communication opportunities with help of social networking

6. To provide natural fun and desired basic need.

7. To celebrate known days & events.

8. to present the real & true picture of Youth by taking care of all minor & major issues, concerns, problems of youth It does not matter they are from any race, religion, sect, culture, reign, location, color, gender, any family back ground, WITH valid social Mass and Virtua Network.

9. To value youth help them to be the best with highly socially responsible towards betterment of the country or any individual social circle any make them skillful with talent.

10. To arrange Workshops, seminar and conferences other events for Youth.

11. To believe everything which can be seen or can be imaginable is indeed attainable and possible.

12. To run international youth exchange program with other countries youth organizations who are or not aware of the chances of participation.

13. To help in providing financial assistance to poor and deserving youngsters.

14. To respect the leadership of organization such as patron, founder, president or general secretary.

15. Any other social services which can help a middle class human being.

16. To work for rehabilitation of effected people of natural disasters and to help released prisoners nationally and internationally.

17. To develop leadership in the Youth of Society and foster the principles of fraternal ism.

18. To provide the Youth of the society with the facilities and opportunity to practice the principles of democratic government and parliamentary procedure.

19. To develop sound programs of sports, social, civic and cultural activities for the benefit of the Youth of society.

20. Youth Welfare Organization shall consist of the eligible members organized into branches to be known as subordinate of “Youth Welfare Organization” Our Slogan

As we are India"s 1st and only youth oriented Organization which purely concentrate on Youth our subject is only youth therefore we gave a place for youth in our constitution or by laws as we are focusing on youth we have finalize a slogan which is given below “Serve Humanity, Develop Youth and Promote Country” Which can also be view in our logo as well without a valid explanation slogan is nothing it’s just a demy however we do have explanation for our Slogan too let me explain you word by word for more understanding

Serve the Humanity: We believe the every human is equal therefore we are here to serve the humanity without any discrimination of male, female, race or color. Develop the Youth:

We believe that Young people are pillars of any society therefore we are on the mission to develop our youngster by organizing events such as national international seminars, conferences and workshops on topics which are required by them, they can get an opportunity to explore and increase there knowledge which help them to develop their selves in order to represent country and their selves positively in the world.

Promote the Country:

As we all know the current situation of our country is very versed therefore we believe that it’s not only duty but also our responsibility to promote our country everywhere therefore we are on the mission to promote our country, our brand and our people.

Our Logo:

Our logo is designed to show the professional looks we decided to make it in TWO COLORS first is Green and second is white which the color of our beloved flag however there is also is a option to change the colors according to several occasions and festivals .